Lantana Dreaming of Music 012 (1024x683) (2)

As I was pondering another blog post with yet another decorated pot (Two just emerged from the kiln), I was browsing pictures that I had liked enough to process and save. I stopped on this one and felt myself drifting into it…recalling that day, that moment that captured more than my eye. I came across others as I browsed, moments that never made it to the blog or any other mode of sharing, and decided to honor a few of those. I will also include a shot of each of the pots that I like as photographs…as moments worth recalling.

Butterfly pot on Bricks 095 (1024x706) (2)

Weary of trying for decent images of art as art,

I allowed my butterfly pot to alight upon old Chicago bricks.

Wisteria Vine - A Dance 006 (1024x799) (3)

Long after the Spring’s abundant blooming,

a single Wisteria vine dances en l’air.

Musical Moment 079 (1024x683) (2)

My old dog, Music, continues to teach me

to smell, taste, and listen as I step into the muck.

Pearl Napping in The Light 063 (1024x614) (2)

My cat, Pearl, eats, drinks, and is merry…

bef0re stretching out to absorb the light.

East Beach Phenomena 067 (1024x749) (2)

The light broke through like magic

as the water rushed the shore.

Lizard Pot on Stump 113 (1024x670) (2)

I place my lizard pot on a stump to photograph,

but my camera prefers the stump to the pot.

Cicada on Silk Milk Container 098 (684x1024) (2)

After breaking free from her old outgrown skin,

the cicada dries her wings before flight.

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  1. suzanne findeisen Says:

    nice collection of images! a cicada that reads, who knew?
    cheers, suz

  2. LouAnn Sekul Says:

    Wow, wow, wow! I love these beautiful photos. The one on the beach is fantastic! The pots are amazing, and dear Music is so sweet! Nice way to start my day!

  3. Gel Says:

    I love all the photos. Quite stunning. Thanks for sharing them.

    I especially love the one you noted as “Long after Spring’s abundant blooming”…..the beauty in aging.


    • leiflife Says:

      Dear Gel… It was good being able to share some older shots. The Wisteria vine was maybe three months ago, and it has stayed in my mind for that long. I see it as a special photo, but also as a dance, drawing, sculpture, and poem. Yes… “…he beauty in aging.”

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